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Dance Classes in Great Barr Birmingham

Arabesque Tots

So many to choose from...
Ballet, Modern / Jazz, Tap, Acrobatic and Contortion, Musical Theatre, Lyrical and Cheerleading, Irish Dancing, Contempory, Commercial, Soft Musical Comedy, Song & Dance.

The benefits

The school offers professional training in all aspects of Theatre Dance and takes great pride in providing expert tuition for all its pupils, whether dancing as a hobby or choosing it as a profession. Every pupil is offered the opportunity to take qualified exams with A.B.D as well as competitive festival work (at teachers discretion), either as a soloist or together as a troupe.
The school has currently had many recent success stories including Scholarship Winners, Miss Dance finalists, Teachers Award for highest exam results and acceptance into Vocational colleges such as “Laine Theatre Arts”, “Urdang”, ”London Studio Centre”, “Elmhurst”, “Phil Winston’s Theatre Works” and"Renaissance Arts”.
The Academy boasts no fewer than 4 A.B.D Examiners on its teaching faculty and is a “Centre of Excellence” for the” Board of Dance Qualifications and Training”.

Meet some of our students